A map of Europe’s must-visit landmarks

Cruise Adventures, Historical Attractions and Locations,

As well as enjoying fine food, great weather and the chance to simply sit back and relax, one of the most important things about going on holiday is packing in visits to as many memorable places as possible. Cruising, of course, offers guests the chance to do all this on the same trip, without having to unpack more than once!

In the below infographic, we have picked out a handful of the most interesting European landmarks which you should aim to visit on your next cruise departing from Southampton. As you’ll see, we have chosen locations which are both close to home and much further afield, as well as a combination of the world-famous and slightly more obscure.

We may all think that we know Europe well already but, as the landmarks we highlight show, there are always more beautiful and historic sites than you may have thought just waiting to be discovered.

A map of Europe's must-visit landmarks

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<p><strong>Please include attribution to http://www.jetlinecruise.com/ with this infographic.</strong><br /><br /><a href="http://www.jetlinecruise.com/blog/a-map-of-europe's-must-visit-landmarks-19"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/f4/dd/0ff4ddea6de94f74a3eef28290d05b0c.jpg" alt="A map of Europe's must-visit landmarks" width="700px" border="0" /></a></p>

Social media posting image credit: Giuseppe Milo